11.02.2007 ã.

ImageZip code — 624480

Area phone code — (+7) 34380  Reference phone number — 2 23 32

Time zone: GMT + 05:00  (summer time: GMT + 6 hrs)

Geographical Coordinates — 60° 09′ N Latitude, 59° 57′ E Longtitude

Population of the town is 34673 (46.3% male, 53.7% female), region population is 46 th. people.

Severoural'sk is a small town located 470 km (about 300 miles) north of Yekaterinburg.  Geographically Severoural'sk is sited on the Eastern slope of the Northern Urals, on the banks of rivers Vagran and Kolonga. The town is surrounded by mines and settlements. The foundation of Severouralsk was connected with the foundation of Petropavlovskiy iron foundry factory.  Then it was called Petropavlovskoe, reflecting the name of the local church of St. Paul and St. Peter. In 1931 a rich layer of bauxite was discovered on the banks of Vagran, and it was named Krasnaya Shapochka (Little Red Riding Hood).  Later more bauxite deposits were revealed nearby and gave birth to a large bauxite mine named Severoural'skiy.

The name Severouralsk was given to Petropavlovskoe settlement in 1944, after it was united with several miming settlements located nearby. Severoural'ksiy Mine is currently the key business institution of the town and a large supplier of bauxite and lime stone for metallurgy.  The town homes the Museum of Natural History. More than a half of the county (raion) territory is occupied be the Federal Nature Preserve (Zapovednik). Image

«Denezhkin Kamen»

Denezhkin Kamen (1492 m) is a mountain located on the Eastern slope of the Ural Ridge in the upstream of river Sos'va, 40 km (23 miles) North-West of Severoural'sk.  It is named after Mansi (name of the local tribe) Andrei Denezhkin, the local dweller, who lived on the banks of Sos'va in the XVIII century.  The Mansi names of the mountain are Os'-Tagt-Talyah-Ner-Oika, which can be translated as «The Master of the Mountains of the Upstream of River Sos'va», and Os'-Tagt-Talyah-Yalpyng-Ner-Oika, «The Sacred Master of the Mountains of the Southern Sos'va».

Denezhkin Kamen was a very popular hiking area before the mountain and the surrounding territory became of limits for visitors due to organization of a strict nature preserve.  Currently the region provides many possibilities for tourism.  Glavnyi Ural'skij Hrebet (Main Ural Ridge) can become a good hiking trail; rivers Sos'va, Uls, Vagran are great for rafting and kayaking.

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